Our team offers professionals recognized for their credentials inside and outside Brazil.
Multiprofessional health team and divers able to provide diverse consultancies. All Archangelus teams are available to advise on prevention protocols, post-fatal accidents and rescue operations.
Our team is committed to the development and application of POP's and Normatizations, with the goal of providing a service of excellence with an international profile. Archangelusgroup, rescue and rescue.
Imagens: Jornal New Zealand Herold - 02 de Abril de 2013 cobrindo a operação da Royal New Zealand Coastguard (Cmt. Prof. R. Lemgruber atuando como tripulante SAR - esquerda inferior da imagem) em conjunto com a Royal New Zealand Navy na Busca e Recuperação de uma aeronave que se acidentou na costa oeste da ilha norte da Nova Zelândia.