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RERB Project

Rapid Emergency Rescue Base and Air Medevac Transportation

Archangelus Rescue Group / Archangelus Group

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A simple concept was developed, inspired by several Coast Guard units, research centers, universities, private companies and operational bases for rapid deployment, around the world.


The choice made by Engineer Almir Chagas, with adaptations of the company EUROBRAS was for several reasons, among which, if they interact with one another, the agility and practicality in the assembly with the security and modern lines of a unique design.

A simple concept was developed, inspired by several Coast Guard units, research centers, universities, private companies and operational bases for rapid deployment, around the world.


The choice made by Engineer Almir Chagas, with adaptations of the company EUROBRAS was for several reasons, among which, if they interact with one another, the agility and practicality in the assembly with the security and modern lines of a unique design.






The project, which was signed in partnership with Angra Aeroportos, and is the first base, based at Angra dos Reis airport, is initially intended to cover Costa Verde and the north of the coast of São Paulo, and is expected to expand rapidly throughout the Brazilian coast through the implementation of other 09 bases, with the primary focus on aeromedical transportation services and sar.

The RERBs were designed in close cooperation with maritime professionals, medical, aeromedical, first responders, paramedics among other rescue professionals. The operating system to be deployed is simple and complete.

RERBs will play a role never seen in the Brazilian private sector and the opening to work in partnership with the public sectors, aims to increase even more the chances of survival in each operation. Each base's command and intelligence center has a complex, high-level information system from drones, helicopters, boats, and jetskis. It also counts with meteorological information models and will be supported by the ERAA (Aerodrome Automatic Radio Broadcasting Station), Ministry of Defense - Aeronautics Command, Air Space Control Department and models for maritime prospecting, some in partnership with LIOc / COPPE / URFJ.

With the opening of the RERBs, the Archangelus Group intends to become an auxiliary coastal-marine auxiliary service for the armed forces, since it needs to comply with those rules, established in Law no. 7.273 of 10/12/84 which regulates the search and rescue of human life in danger in the sea, the ports and inland waterways.


de drones, helicópteros, barcos e motos aquáticas. Conta de igual forma com modelos de informações meteorológicas e contará com o suporte da ERAA ( Estação de rádio difusão automática de aeródromo do Aeroporto de Angra dos Reis) com previsão de ativação em 29.02 de 2019  pelo  Ministério da Defesa- Comando da aeronáutica, Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo e modelos para prospecçao marítima, alguns em parceria com a LIOc / COPPE/ URFJ.

Com a abertura das RERBs , o Grupo Archangelus tem a intenção de se tornar um serviço auxiliar aeromarítimo-costeiro para as forças armadas , uma vez que necessita cumprir os dispostos na Lei nº. 7.273 de 10/12/84 que regulamenta a busca e salvamento de vida humana em perigo no mar, nos portos e nas vias navegáveis interiores. 

Nesta lei, em seu artigo 2º fica definido que : é competência do Ministério da Marinha "adotar as providências para prover adequados serviços de busca e salvamento de vida humana em perigo no mar, nos portos e nas vias navegáveis interiores", e em seu parágrafo único, que: "O Ministério da Marinha poderá delegar a execução de tais serviços a outros órgãos federais, estaduais, municipais e, por concessão, a particulares, em áreas definidas de jurisdição".




RERB teams rely on highly trained healthcare professionals and staff members who are trained to work in the healthcare sector. Constantly updated in their areas. As crew members of the aircraft, RERBs are composed of pilots, co-pilots, support air crew, rescue swimmers (advanced level) and advanced rescue divers trained to the highest standards of the company.


The Maritime Rescue Coordination Centers (CCRM) of each unit may become interoperability centers between emergency agencies that will allow the coordination of an event with an Archangelus Rescue Group team either privately or also as a reference center for joint coordination on adverse events.


The Archangelus Rescue Group operations will follow the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IAMSAR) and IMO (International Maritime Organization) and follow the guidelines of the US Coast Guard and the Royal Neo Zealand Coast Guard and recognized practices of SAR. The Interoperability proposal brought by the Archangelus Rescue Group is a notorious and effective practice in several other countries around the world, which seeks to increase installed capacity, achieve greater efficiency in the provision of services, increase transparency in the application of resources and improve the user satisfaction. The Archangelus Group believes in partnerships to grow.

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Rapid Emergency Response Bases will use the latest technologies to aid rescue activities, optimizing team time.

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We will have marine and land units capable of launching the drones quickly.


In conjunction with the Costa do Sol taxi aéreo, the Archangelus Rescue Group plans to use the Sikorskys S-76 as airborne airliners and to aid medical airlift.


Considered a stable and comfortable aircraft, already used in several countries for this purpose.

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Inspired by the Royal New Zealand Coast Guard, each Rapid Emergency 

Response Base will have 4 personal watercraft units for maritime support.

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The Rapid Emergency Response Bases will have 2 vessels for maritime-coastal support.

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